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Robot Wants It All (v1.0.31)

Robot Wants It All (v1.0.31) is a one-of-a-kind game, designed by the developers at Nitrome. It's an action platformer with a twist – you play as a robot who has to collect items to make his way through the levels. The goal of the game is to collect all the items scattered throughout the level and then reach the end. The game features colorful graphics, fun music, and challenging levels that will test your skills. And of course, there's the ever-present "robot wants fishy" phrase that will drive you to keep playing.

The game offers four different worlds to explore, each with their own unique set of obstacles and items to collect. As you progress through the levels, you'll need to use your robot's abilities to jump, climb, and shoot to collect the items necessary to complete the level. You can also upgrade your robot with new abilities, such as the ability to jump higher or shoot faster.

The game also has boss battles, which require you to think strategically and use your robot's abilities to defeat them. These battles are challenging and require you to be careful and plan ahead in order to succeed. There are also bonus levels, which contain additional items for you to collect and more difficult puzzles to solve.

The game is easy to learn but hard to master, so it's suitable for both casual and hardcore gamers alike. For those who want to take their gaming to the next level, there's an online leaderboard where you can compete against other players from around the world.

Robot Wants It All (v1.0.31) is an excellent game for anyone looking for a challenge. With its colorful graphics, fun music, and addicting gameplay, it's sure to keep you entertained for hours. Plus, with the ever-present "robot wants fishy" phrase, you'll always be striving to do better. So, if you're looking for a game that will test your skills, give Robot Wants It All (v1.0.31) a try.

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